🧲🔬🔬 *“For the wise man looks into space 🌌🚀🚀 and he knows there is no limited dimensions”* 🧲🔬🔬 🚀🚀
Keeping in sync with this thought, Himalaya International School is observing 🧑‍🔬 *Science Week👩‍🔬 from 21st November to 26th November 2023* .
Science week was inaugurated 🎉🎊 by our respective Academic Director Mr. H.S Khalsa & honourable Principal Mrs. Sonal Bhatt.
A special inaugural assembly was conducted on 21st November to highlight 🔎🪄🎻🎻🪂🪂 *’SCIENCE BEHIND MAGIC’* 🔎🪄🪂🪂 through different experiments and the journey of the Indian Space Mission was also showcased in the assembly.
🪂🪂The students gave a message on the importance of science and explained *”Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power”* 🪂🪂