
Class III to class V
Children Maintain Good Health and Well-being Awareness of self
  • Development of positive self-concept
  • Self-regulation
  • Decision-making and problem solving
  • Development of pro-social behaviour like caring, sharing, collaboration, compassion and respect for other’s feeling and rights
  • Development of healthy habits, hygiene, sanitation and awareness for self-protection
  • Development of gross motor skills (walking, running, jumping, hopping, crawling, climbing, rhythmic movement, throwing, catching, kicking)
  • Fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination (threading, tearing, pasting scribbling, drawing, colouring printing, moulding, paper folding etc.)
Language Skills-

The development of language skill starts at birth and continues during the first five years of a child’s life. Language development starts with sounds and gestures, and then words and sentences. So here we have brought a programme which helps a child to develop their language skills that is phonics and it generally starts for the age group of 2.5 to 6 years.

Children become Effective Communicators
Talking and Listening
  • Attention Span and Listening
  • Vocabulary
  • Creative Self Expression and Conversation
  • Language and creative thinking
Emergent Reading
  • Print Awareness and Meaning Making
  • Bonding with Books
  • Directionality
  • Pretend Reading
  • Phonological Awareness
  • Letter Perception/ Recognition
Exposure to Second Language Children become Involved Learners and Connect with their Immediate Environment Sensory Development
  • Sight
  • Smell
  • Sound
  • Taste
  • Touch
Concept Formation
  • Colours, shapes, distance, measurement size length, weight, height, time
  • spatial sense
  • One-to-one correspondence
Number Sense
  • Count and tell how many
  • Numeral recognition
  • Sense of order (can count ahead of a number up to10)
Concepts related to environment
  • Natural-animals, fruits, vegetables, food
  • Physical — water, air, season, sun, moon, day andnight
  • Social — myself, family, transport, festival, community helpers,etc.
Activity Based Learning

A curriculum material translated in terms of activity is what we call an “activity curriculum.” These activities are used as a means to convey knowledge and skills. When we say an activity, we mean physical as well as an intellectual activity. The teacher involves students in activities such that, during the development of manual skills, mental satisfaction in the job is also achieved.

Creative learning

Creative play develops the child’s confidence, language, physical and thinking skills, imagination and emotional understanding.

Dramatic play helps pre – schoolers make sense of the world. Arts and craft activities encourage self-expression and decision-making Play, music and dance let pre-schoolers express all kinds of feelings.

Co-Curricular Activities

Co-curricular activities are intended to bring social & intellectual skills, moral, cultural & ethical values, personality development, and character advancement in students.

Our new age digital education during Covid times ensures a bright future for your child under Foundational and Preparatory Classes: