β€œLiterature adds to reality. It does not simply describe it, it enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.”
Himalaya International School is celebrating LIT-FEST 2023 from 1 Aug, 2023 to 5 Aug, 2023 to promote literacy, creativity, intellectual development, better understanding among students; and to develop different perspective of appreciation for literature in the students.
The inaugural ceremony was commenced in the presence of our honorable Academic Director Mr. H. S. Khalsa Sir, Respected Principal Mrs. Sonal Bhatt Madam and Lovable Headmistress Mrs. Prachi Kapoor Madam. Principal Sonal Bhatt Madam addressed the students and explained the value of literarure and how it can help students to shape their lives.
An Assembly was presented to celebrate books and people who read and write them, followed by a skit in which students performed as famous characters from their favorite books or created by prominent authors. It was a treat for senses for all the art lovers present there. Everybody seemed to have a whale of time. Academic Director Mr. H. S. Khalsa Sir extolled students and teachers for their creativity and for presenting a well crafted drama while bringing the famous literary characters to life.