Mime Competition

On July 12th, Himalaya International School hosted a  Mime Competition with the compelling theme of “The Aftermath of Population Overflow.” This creative event saw enthusiastic participation from all four houses: Lions, Panthers, Tigers, and Jaguars.

The Lion house impressed the audience and judges alike with their powerful and thought-provoking performance, securing the first position. Their mime vividly depicted the environmental and social impacts of overpopulation, leaving a lasting impression on everyone present.

Following closely, the Panther house clinched the second position with their innovative and emotive portrayal of urban overcrowding and its consequences. The Tiger house earned the third spot, showcasing a poignant narrative of strained resources and human resilience. The Jaguar house, while placing fourth, delivered a commendable performance that highlighted the struggles and survival instincts in an overpopulated world.

The event was graced by the presence of Mr. Arvind Singh Chouhan and Ms. Anjali Jain, who meticulously judged the performances and provided valuable feedback. Their keen observations and constructive critiques were well-received by the participants, aiding them in refining their craft.

In his closing remarks, Academic Director Mr. H. S. Khalsa commended the students for their creativity and dedication. He emphasized the importance of such events in fostering critical thinking and artistic expression.

The mime competition  was a resounding success , demonstrating the students’ exceptional talents  and their ability to convey powerful messages without uttering a single word.