Himalaya stands out as a centre for Practical Excellence through well maintained Labs which cater to the science and IT curriculum followed at school.

Science Practical Labs :
A hub of modern facilities and equipments, our labs play a key role in educational effectiveness of the curriculum in attaining effective cognitive and practical goals. Our labs bring learning to life as students get to explore and experiment from their own conclu sion.

Mathematics Lab :
To encourage students to learn through practice, provide them fully equipped math lab. Here, they can access various tools and manipulative tools to make learning of Mathematics a fun experience.

Social Science Lab :
School has a well-equipped Social science lab which is full of 3d models, charts, Maps and audio-visual teaching aids. It gives the students an opportunity to work independently and productively.

Computer Lab :
The school has a huge Computer lab is adequately equipped. Teachers assist children in seeking out information, creating multimedia content, collaborating on project work and presenting the knowledge gathered from multiple sources.