
Pay Fee Online

Fee payment has now become easier!

Himalaya International School has recently launched online fee remittance facility through HDFC Bank. Fee amount to be paid for the Academic Year 2022-23 can be viewed online by entering the Registration Code (Scholar Number) and Father’s Mobile Number. Parents/ Guardians may avail this facility in large numbers for hassle free and prompt fee payment of their wards. You can now pay fee online through the link given below. This link includes various payment options like Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, UPI, QR etc.
Pay Fee Online

Payment Flow Process Through HDFC qfix pay

  • Select the branch.
  • Enter the details asked i.e Registration Code (Scholar Number) & Father’s Mobile Number.
  • Select the fees to be paid and click on Submit.
  • Confirm the details on Payment summary page and then click on proceed.
  • Select your payment options such as Debit card / Credit card / Net Banking / UPI / QR.
  • You will redirect to the payment gateway.
  • You will receive a payment confirmation on your registered mobile number after successful payment.